Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm Now Selling On Etsy

I've been a huge fan of Etsy for some time now. It's a great place to find unique handmade items. And while I've considered trying to sell my work on Etsy in the past, I never could muster up the courage to do so. Well, tonight I finally listed my very first Etsy item. It's for a custom made clothespin doll.

I know my timing may not be the best (missing Christmas by a few days). But better late than never, right? Plus, there's Valentine's day just around the corner and don't forget the much anticipated Lunar New Year! ;)

While there's only 1 item listed as of now, there will be more to come. Wish me luck!


  1. Hi Lisa! Welcome to the world of blogging! Your dolls are AMAZING, they look so much like their counterparts!

  2. Thanks Erin! I appreciate the support :) Very excited, but also very nervous.

  3. A co-worker just showed me Esty a few weeks ago. What a fantastic idea for crafters! I had even thought of starting an account, but I haven't yet. You are an inspiration! I love your dolls. They look so very delicate and cute!

  4. Thank you so much! I would definitely recommennd that you join Etsy. I hesitated for so long because of my fear of failure. But, doing so meant I never gave myself a chance to succeed.
