My son, Eli just turned 4, and let me tell you it was so much fun! I love how excited a 4 yr old gets about every little detail of a birthday. The presents, the singing, the cupcakes, etc. We're not having the actual party for over a week, but here are a few pictures of the gifts and from the celebration with just our family.
Morning of his birthday...just opened up some smaller gifts. |
This year we decided, or more accurately "I" decided (since my husband rarely has a say in something once my mind is made up) to build my son a new rock table. I love building things for the kids. I've built them a mini fridge and kitchen complete with stove, oven, and mircowave, so I didn't hesitate to take on building a rock table. And yes, I'm aware that most of these things can be purchased in stores...but where's the fun in that!?! While it may not win any carpentry contests, I'm pretty proud of the finished product, and most importantly my son LOVES playing on it! We've spent most of past couple days outside moving rock!
One happy 4 yr old boy! |
Had to get him a nice steel Tonka dump truck to go along with the rock table. |
Eli's obsessed with the color blue right now, he even requested that that be the theme of his birthday party this year. More to come about that in a later post :) So, I had to make cupcakes with blue frosting and blue sprinkles!
First bite of his birthday cupcake. |
My daughter diving into her own cupcake.
The aftermath! |